ivf day 39: a go for beanification!

i had my monitoring appointment this (monday) morning, and everything looks great, so we’re a go for embryo transfer next monday in albany! uterus is 9.5mm thick and trilaminar, and everything seems to have righted itself. perfect landing pad.

6AA is going to need a better name as a transferred (and hopefully implanted) embryo, so for now i’m going with “the bean”. monday is officially a go for beanification! (the beaninning? commencing beanitude?)

i checked my appointment portal and noted that 6AA will be thawed at 5:45am for a 10:30am transfer, so if you ever wanted to know how long a 5-day blastocyst needs to thaw… well… you’re welcome? i have an appointment for IV intralipid therapy and acupuncture at 9:30, and then the do will be done at 10:30. no anesthesia required, and stephen can be in the room with me. just an ultrasound-guided catheter up the hatch, and world’s tiniest deposit. i’m hoping there will be opportunities to take pictures of the ultrasound during the procedure, and i’ll share them here if so.

i have another acupuncture session just after transfer, we stay a night in a local hotel, and then we come home, hopefully with a beltane (may day) bean on board. i’ll have pregnancy test results by the end of the following weekend or early that next week, and i’ll be using all i’ve got to call in favorable results.

y’all, this shit isn’t for the faint of heart. but what an interesting ride it’s been so far. here’s hoping it’s just the beginning.

yours truly,

a hopeful mama

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