good eats

this list contains book recommendations, links to websites, and other information.  it is updated often, and newer entries are listed toward the bottom.

  • Sally Fallon’s _Nourishing Traditions_ (book)— a truly thought-provoking book on the elements of traditional (as opposed to the modern western) diets.  fallon suggests that fats and cholesterol are not the culprits in the ill health of most modern folks, and she offers us recipes based on the diets of indigenous peoples as a new (old) and healthy way to feed your family.  she includes lots of recipes for fermenting food and for soaking and sprouting grains before use, and although many of the recipes sound terrifying, i’ve yet to try anything that was less than fantastic.  personally, i think that this is a book that should be used to supplement your current way of eating though, and not as an overhaul guide; otherwise, you’d be spending an eternity in your kitchen.  definitely not fast food, but good wholesome food for sure!

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