ivf days 33-38: grumble grumble

tuesday through sunday have been a new flavor of difficult, though i’d take them over waiting on genetic testing results any day. being on estrogen and steroids in combination have really made me moody, angry, irritable, and anxious. taking two doses of estrogen too close to one another one day produced an astounding bought of night sweats. i woke up so drenched that it was disorienting. i experienced that once on clomid as well–no bueno. my tiny peek into menopause.

i’ve tried (pretty successfully) to keep the beast at bay this week with hiking. i’m not supposed to over exert, so i put out a call to my 4000-footer hiking page for flat recommendations, and they did not disappoint. i’ve gone some beautiful new places, and it feels really good to move my body. i feel weight packing on (probably a considerable amount of water retention) despite long stretches of daily movement and pretty impeccable eating, so it feels good to keep my joints moving and my heart pumping. i don’t need or want a small body, but i do need and want a comfortable and capable body.

tomorrow (monday) will be my next monitoring appointment, meaning i’ll go in at the crack of dawn to have (anotherrrrrrr) transvaginal ultrasound and round of blood work to check my uterine lining for goldilocks thickness and my hormone levels for cycle appropriateness.

i’m calling in a normal lining, 9-11mm thick and multilayered, and an embryo transfer date of the following monday.

yours truly,

a hopeful mama

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